Headfield CE Junior School


We hope that your visit will be enjoyable, informative and safe.

Please help us by reading and complying with the guidance below, which is intended to ensure your health and safety whilst at Headfield Junior School. If you have any questions after reading this, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff to help you.


All visitors and contractors coming in to the school must report to Reception.

Please sign in using our electronic visitor system (clear instructions on how to do this will appear on the screen). A photograph of your face will be taken and a visitor ID pass generated. Please use the plastic holder and visitor lanyard provided and make sure your ID is clearly visible to staff and pupils.

If you are working unsupervised with pupils, the school receptionist will ask you to produce your DBS certificate or details thereof, together with proof of identification, ie Passport or driving licence. Without this you will not be granted access.

You must sign in on each occasion you visit the school.

Please log out of our visitor system at the end of your visit and return the lanyard and holder.

Mobile Phones

Mobiles must be on silent or switched off. They must never be accessed in an area where children are present.


Visitors are prohibited from taking photographs whilst on the school site.

Fire & Evacuation

  • Your host will explain what to do in the case of emergencies and fire alarms.
  • The fire alarm is a continuous bell. You must leave the building by the nearest exit.
  • Stay with your host as they will escort you to the assembly point and ensure that you are recorded present by the administration staff.
  • The assembly point is to the rear of the school site on either the top, middle or bottom playgrounds (see school map).
  • Do not take any personal risks.
  • You must not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.


  • Your host will explain what to do in case of a school lockdown.
  • The invac alarm is an intermittent bell. You must follow the instructions immediately of your host.
  • Stay with your host as they will escort you to the nearest space.
  • You must stay there until the Headteacher tells you it is safe to leave.

First Aid

If you need first aid or feel unwell please go to the main office or if you are unable to reach the office alert a member of staff to help you.

Health & Safety

Contractors must ensure that they are fully conversant with the safety rules and regulations to be observed by contractors working on site.

As a visitor to our school it is essential that you follow any health and safety guidelines that may apply. By doing so, you will assist us in meeting the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.


Headfield Junior School operates a no smoking policy. Please do not smoke or vape anywhere on the school site.

Safeguarding Guidance for Visitors to the School

Visitors Safeguarding Information Leaflet

Safeguarding and child protection are top priority for all who work and visit Headfield.

Adults visiting or working on the school site play an important part in the life of the school. You can play a part in keeping children safe whilst working at, or visiting, the school by observing the following guidelines. 

If you have any safeguarding concerns relating to any pupil in our school please contact one of the following designated safeguarding leads immediately, one of whom will always be available, to discuss matters with you in private. You have a responsibility to act.


Mrs Brown

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 


        Mrs Miller

      Deputy DSL



                          Miss Holl

                        Deputy DSL

  • Do not discuss your concerns with anyone other than the people shown above.
  • Remember, all children have a right to be safe.
  • Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility.
  • We all need to listen to children, even though we may not always be comfortable with what we hear.
  • If a pupil makes a disclosure to you, do not promise confidentiality. You must never promise to keep a secret. Explain that you will need to talk to someone else. Inform a designated safeguarding lead of your concerns immediately.

For further guidance, the school’s child protection policy can be found on the school website under the ‘policies’ tab.

Thank you for helping to keep Headfield School safe.