If you have any concerns relating to any pupil in our school please contact one of the following designated safeguarding leads, one of whom will always be available, to discuss matters with you in private:
Mrs Brown Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) |
Mrs Miller Deputy DSL |
Miss Holl Deputy DSL |
Leaders are passionate about the importance of safeguarding. You have made sure that procedures are effective and records are detailed and of high quality. Well-established systems ensure that pupils' safety is top priority. Training is successful in helping staff to recognise and respond to signs of concern.Ofsted July 2019.
Headfield is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Parents can feel confident that careful procedures are in place to ensure that all staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children within our school. We encourage parents and children to talk freely about any concerns or worries which may affect educational progress. It is important to us that parents and pupils see school as a safe place.
100% of our parents feel their child feels safe at Headfield
(Parent Survey October 2023).
Children will be taken seriously if they seek help from a member of staff. They may be referred for additional bespoke support from well trained staff or from external agencies who work closely with us. Our school will endeavour to work in partnership with parents at all times to inform them of additional support required or accessed for their child. However, staff cannot guarantee to consult parents first, or to keep children’s concerns confidential, if a referral must be made to agencies in order to safeguard the child’s welfare.
Pupils say that the curriculum provides lots of opportunities for them to learn how to keep safe and manage risks appropriately. Consequently, they can talk with confidence about how to stay safe, for example when they are online or crossing a road. Pupils trust the adults in school to deal effectively with any inappropriate behaviour that may occur.
Ofsted July 2019
To read our monthly safeguarding newsletters please click the links below:
To read our school safeguarding related policies please click the links below:
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation Policy
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Visitors Safeguarding Information Leaflet
Kirklees Safeguarding Children's Board website has a wealth of information for parents, carers, professionals and children such as links to the NSPCC, advice on what to do if you are worried about a child as well as available training.