Headfield CE Junior School

Year 4 multiplication Tables Check

The purpose of the Y4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help us to identify pupils who may need additional support. The MTC takes place in June each year for children across the country.

Click here to read the 2025 Information for Parents published by the Standards & Testing Agency

What is the MTC?

The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions. Your child will answer 3 practice questions before moving on to the official check, and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. MTC has been extensively trialled and tested over its development. There are a number of accessibility features available in MTC to assist children with special educational needs and disabilities. These were developed with schools and pupils to ensure they do not disadvantage children that require additional support. Schools will be able to try these out with your child to ensure they are appropriate, prior to the check window in June. However, there are some circumstances in which it may not be appropriate for a pupil to take the check. If you have any concerns about your child being able to access the MTC, you should talk to your child’s headteacher.

Do I need to do anything to prepare my child for the check?

You do not need to do anything additional to prepare your child for the check though practising times tables with your child, as they would with spelling will help them greatly to have instant recall which will help them in all areas of Maths. In terms of preparing pupils for the on-screen nature of the MTC, Headfield incorporate TT Rockstars into teaching which replicates the same format which helps to familiarise pupils with the check

Getting the results

Schools are able to view their results once all participating pupils have taken the check. We will then share your child’s score with you, as we would with all national curriculum assessments. Statistics on MTC data will be published on GOV.UK at a local authority and national level by the October following the June test. This will help schools understand how they are performing. School and pupil level data will not be published.

What if my child doesn't know their times tables?

Do not worry if your child is not working at the expected standard. It is important to remember that these results will help teachers identify where your child may need extra help. If you have any questions about your child’s results and what support they might need, you should speak to their teacher.


TT Rockstars

Click here to login to TT Rockstars and practise you times tables.


Try it Out Check

Click this link to try it out

You will need your school password and PIN to access this. Please note PINs are only valid until 4pm on the day they are generated.