We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about Science at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with Science, please contact our Science subject leader Mr Ellis in Year 6.
Why we teach Science
A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world. Science has changed our lives and it is vital that all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
At Headfield Junior School we are keen for pupils to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. The children are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. In order to enable pupils to broaden their scientific view of the world around them they are encouraged to explore, talk about, test and develop ideas about everyday phenomena then begin to recognise how these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates. We believe that Science should be inclusive and we work hard to ensure that the needs of all children are met through our varied and exciting Science curriculum. We are able to link science appropriately to other curricular areas, further enhancing the children’s understanding while keeping their learning relevant and fun.
How we teach Science
Our Science curriculum design gives each year group the best opportunity to successfully cover all the of the National Curriculum requirements. Projects usually last half a term, depending on the amount of content and the children’s interests. In some cases, projects may be taught for a shorter period, for example during a science week or gap day. It has a project-based, thematic approach, is rooted in opportunities to develop reading and writing and provides children with a range of rich and memorable learning experiences. Our Science curriculum promotes problem solving, creativity and communication whilst enabling and fostering children’s natural curiosity. It promotes innovation and enables children to reflect on and evaluate their learning.
We provide the children with an engaging Science curriculum, including opportunities for practical activities that equips them for the future. Our Science curriculum aims to broaden the children’s knowledge, whilst promoting a desire to pose scientific questions and find the answers for themselves. Pupils are encouraged to explore, talk about, test and develop ideas about everyday phenomena, then begin to recognise how these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates. We believe that Science should be inclusive and we work hard to ensure that the needs of all children are met through our varied and exciting Science curriculum. There is a logical progression to the Science curriculum to ensure all children build on their prior knowledge and skills in order to reach their full potential. Through their time at Headfield, pupils are provided with age-appropriate texts, resources and experiences (relating to their topics) so that their Science learning experience can be enhanced further.
The topics covered within our interactive learning projects are as follows:
Year 3 | Year 5 |
Plants Scrumdidilyumptious |
Living things and their habitats Allotment |
Animals, including humans Scrumdidilyumptious & Predators |
Properties and changing materials Alchemy Island |
Rocks Tremors |
Earth and space Star Gazers |
Light Gods and Mortals |
Forces Scream Machine |
Forces and magnets Mighty Metals |
Animals, including humans Peasants, Princes and Pestilence |
Year 4 | Year 6 |
Living things and their habitats Blue Abyss |
Evolution and inheritance ID |
Animals, including humans Burps, Bottoms & Bile |
Light Hola Mexico |
States of matter Potions |
Electricity Hola Mexico |
Sound Raiders and Traders |
Animals, including humans Blood Heart
Electricity Road Trip USA |
Living things and their habitats Frozen Kingdom |
Enrichment in Science
Children from Year 6 have had the opportunity to visit STEMFEST this year where the children were introduced to many amazing companies and businesses within the STEM industry. Our children had the opportunity to learn all about different job prospects that there are within our region and were inspired by the exciting and practical activities that were on offer during this visit.
Want to learn more science at home?
Take a look at these amazing websites full of fascinating facts, exciting experiments and science inspiration!