Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
When a pupil has been identified as having a special educational need the class teacher provides suitably modified teaching and learning to help the child understand and achieve alongside their peers. We work hard to ensure that every child experiences success, by aiming for high standards in their work. Pupils are usually taught within the whole class with additional support. Some children undergo intervention programmes that require them to work one on one.
Miss Drysdale and Mrs Hadley are our school SEND coordinators and liaise with parents and outside agencies as well as the local feeder schools.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy and Information Report
Equality PolicyAdmissions of Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
The Local Offer
For a brief explanation video of the local offer click here.
To see more information from Kirklees with regards to the Local Offer see
Headfield Junior School Local Offer
Special Eduational Needs and Disabilities Policy & Information Report click here.
Parental/Carer Support Services
The Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS) offers support to parents and carers of children who have already been identified as having special educational needs.
Support is also offered to parents and carers who are concerned that their child may have special educational needs.
Although the parent partnership service is part of the Local Authority, it operates independently.
The service is free, totally confidential and offers parents and carers the following:
Independent support and someone to talk to in complete confidence.
An explanation of matters concerning SEN.
Information Leaflets about special educational needs.
Help with expressing views.
Someone to attend meetings with.
Information about local support groups and voluntary agencies.
Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS)
Telephone: 0300 330 1504
Website: http://www.kias.org.uk
Email: kias@kirklees.gov.uk
Parents of Children with Additional Needs (PCAN) is the independent led forum for all parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs in Kirklees. PCAN welcome all parents and carers, whether you are just beginning to become aware that your child or young person may have additional needs, or if they have a confirmed diagnosis or disability.
PCAN provide:
Information about activities and services for children with additional needs.
Opportunities to meet with other parents for support, friendship and to discuss needs and concerns.
Telephone: 07754 102336
Website: http://www.pcankirklees.org
Email: info@pcankirklees.org