Headfield CE Junior School


We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about reading at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with reading, please contact our subject leader Miss Allen in Year 6 or your child's class teacher.


Our School Library

We believe in cultivating and embracing a reading rich culture. Headfield loves reading and is a ‘Reading School’ created through well-planned literature-centered activities and lessons.  We aim for every child to ‘love’ reading, be engrossed by the journey a text takes one on, love learning new things from books and become a life-long reader. Developing the children of Headfield into readers is at the heart of our school curriculum, it is the number one focus throughout school, raising attainment in reading is our number one priority. 

Our curriculum is based around high quality texts within each project, the root of learning. Staff build inviting book areas in classrooms, promote our school library, raise the profile of reading through a print rich environment, create attractive book displays and promote the written word. As well as whole school events we promote reader of the week and celebrate reading at home. All year, reading material is taken outside at lunch times. Children’s reading attainment and progress is rewarded in celebration assemblies and children are encouraged to enter school and national competitions. 

Please click here for a suggested reading list. 


“If you are going to get anywhere in life you have to read a lot of books.” 

Roald Dahl

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."

Joseph Addison

“The whole world opened up to me, when I learned to read.” 

Mary McCleod Bethune

Reading in action

All classes have ‘class read’ time on a daily basis, where the teacher/adult also reads to help promote a love of reading. At times, this will take the form of the class teacher reading to the children, whereas other times everybody in the class will read collectively.  All year groups have a little library with a selection of non-fiction texts that can be accessed on a rotational basis. 

Every class has two timetabled weekly sessions in our well-stocked Library, which is overseen by our librarian. Alongside their ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) text, the other books there will be a free choice reading book, which excites the child’s interest and provides opportunities for parents to read aloud to their children and may not be at the right reading level for the child.  The opportunity to choose books independently will help to foster a love of books.


Celebration assembly: 

As part of the fortnightly year group Celebration Assemblies, Star Readers are selected by class teachers and adults working in the classroom to acknowledge and celebrate the wonderful achievements of learners including their success rates for passing AR quizzes, accuracy when answering questions, an improved enthusiasm to engage with reading at home and school as well as many other possible reasons for being celebrated as a 'Star Reader'. 


End of year reading expectations across Key Stage 2

end of year reading expectations for each stage across ks2.pdf

What is Accelerated Reader?

Accelerated Reader is based around a computer program that helps to develop children’s independent reading. It works in quite a simple way; a child picks a book at their own level, and when finished takes a short quiz of 5-10 questions on the computer. The quiz is a new feature of how we change books at school, but is a really important addition. If the child can answer the quiz questions about what they have read they are given a points value dependent on how many questions they answer correctly, which then tells the child's teacher that they have fully understood the content of the book. That point value is added to a child's individual profile and the class teacher tracks each child's progress. This is how children move up through the programme.


How does a child know which books to choose in Accelerated Reader?

Each child will be able to select a book from our library that falls within their Z.P.D (zone of proximal development). This reading band guides children towards choosing books at an appropriate reading level that are challenging yet not frustrating. The aim is for children to pass the quiz and be successful. In time, children will move up reading bands and read more challenging texts.

All of our books in school have been labelled and put into colour bands that will further help guide children in choosing a book. One of the best parts about using Accelerated Reader is that children can choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as children can choose books that are interesting to them. When your child brings home their reading book you will notice a white label on the inside cover. This states the reading level (ZPD) of the book, the quiz number and the number of points available for reading that book.


How can parents and carers support their children at home?

As a part of our reading programme we ask children to read at home to an adult for 20 minutes a day, fill in their reading diary and have it signed by a parent. According to Renaissance Learning’s research (who run Accelerated Reader), children who read at least 20 minutes a day with a 90% comprehension success rate on the quizzes see the greatest gains. We would greatly appreciate your support in helping your child to do this, as ultimately the reading practise that your child gets outside of school contributes greatly towards them becoming a confident, successful reader.

It is essential that children bring their reading book back to school every day as they also read their books during reading time in class daily. Please support your child in this new routine, putting their book back in their school bag as soon as they have finished reading with you. We can’t stress enough the importance of it! 

If you have any questions about Accelerated Reader, please do ask your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help.

Supporting your child read at home

Here are a suggested list of questions you may use when listening to your child read at home.

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Urdu question prompts


This short video from the Book Trust may offer further ideas when supporting your child read at home. Click here





What is Libby?

Libby is a free app where you can borrow ebooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your public library. You can stream titles with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere. All you need to get started is a library card. These cards are free and are available at your local Library.

For further information click here.  


Families can sign up to receive 4 free (including delivery) Lego life magazines annually. They are posted directly to the children's home address and are suitable for 5-9 year olds. The magazines include activities, comics and posters. For children older than 9, they also have a Lego App that can be downloaded. The next issue is out in November. Click here for the link to direct you to the website. 


Free Stories

This is a free website, which you are able to visit or subscribe to and access FREE stories! Click here to be taken to the website, where you can view a selection of books for different ages. Click here for the link to direct you to the website, where you can watch and listen to stories being read. 


Staff Reading Recommendations 

 Enjoy watching the video to discover some of the books the adults at Headfield have enjoyed reading:





Headfield’s School Council enjoyed an afternoon visit to our local Library in Dewsbury. During their visit, they had a tour of the centre, given time to select books to borrow and the opportunity to find out the other activities available to families at this centre. On return, the children led assemblies for their peers and explained the benefits of joining a Library as well as easy steps of how to join (for free!).

Each summer term, we welcome the staff from Dewsbury Library to share the Kirklees reading challenge. The engagement from our families is wonderful and increases every year. We are looking forward to hearing all about the summer reading challenge for 2025!

Click here for further information.


February 2025

Headfield are excited to share Scholastic Book Fair is returning. It will be available after school from 4th - 10th February. Everyone is welcome to attend and children must be accompanied by an adult. Further details are available in the newsletter and have been shared on classdojo! We look forward to seeing you there.

November 2024

Headfield is thrilled to be hosting the Reading Friends course, led by Kirklees. 

Reading Friends are trained volunteers who go into schools to help children improve their reading ability and enjoyment of books. 


Autumn 2024

Headfield is delighted to be participating in another EEF research-based programme being led by the Great Heights English Hub. The ‘Transforming your School’s Reading Culture’ programme is a sustained, research-based programme aimed at further developing Headfield’s approach to prioritising reading for our learners. Staff are looking forward to strengthening the current offer and exploring further approaches to give the children the very best start to become life-long readers. 


Booktober - October half term reading challenge 2024

Ready for a challenge? This October half term, why not try something a little different and have a go at Headfield’s Booktober challenge. This optional reading activity is to be completed at home. 

For some boxes, a child may be able to achieve more than one box at the same time. Any child/ren choosing to take part can record in their homework book as their teachers are looking forward to seeing how they get on.

If you need any help, please ask your class teacher or speak with Miss Allen.

This half term reading challenge is designed to motivate children to keep reading during their week away from school learning and perhaps try reading something they may not already choose.

We will share updates in a newsletter in November.


 Nonfiction November 2024

Nonfiction November is a yearly initiative, where we encourage readers to read more nonfiction this month than they normally might. Nonfiction books can be equally enjoyable and are an essential part of our Library. Whether it be a history tome or a well written biography, nonfiction titles teach you a little bit more about the world around you. Here are some nonfiction tasks to get your teeth in to throughout the month!


February 2024

Scholastic Book Fair came to Headfield and thanks to our supportive families, we have secured over £275 in commission to purchase additional books for our enthusiastic children. Thank you to all those for attending. 

We are going to task the children with which books they think we should buy!


March 2024

World Book Day arrived with a bang! This year's theme was 'Read your way'. Every class this week in assembly time has had the opportunity to share a book from a different culture with the rest of school to inspire everyone to read something a little different to what they may usually read. We have heard poems from Jamaica, a story from Tehran, tales from India and The Journey to Jo’burg in South Africa to name a few. Pupils shared their book reviews with confidence at the front of our huge Hall and the eagerness that followed to find the books in our school library has been wonderful to see.

What is your child currently reading? Is it teaching them about another culture?


 I liked the children doing the assemblies this week. I'm going to look for the books in the Library.

It was fun coming to school dressed as our favourite characters. I was Hermione Granger. I liked seeing the adults in their costumes too!

The best part was listening to the adults read their favourite books from when they were at school.

My favourite part of the day was sharing books with the different classes because it was Y3 and Y4 and Y5 and Y6 all talking about books together.

On Thursday 7th March, the children enjoyed a variety of activities including: spending time in the Library, an online talk with Premier League Primary Stars and the National Literacy Trust, encouraging others to read by partnering with other classes, wearing non-uniform/costumes and creating work for a Headfield World Book Day display. 

 I loved the online footy quiz this morning! I liked seeing the different footballers tell us which books they like to read and why it's important to read.


July 2024 - Community Links

Some Y6 children enjoyed visiting Penguin class at Savile Town Infant and Nursery School. The children worked well together to share a variety of reading activities. The year 6 children shared their books, listened to the year 2 children read, completed some book reviews, created book marks and enjoyed some book chats about stories they like. An enjoyable afternoon strengthening links within our community.

The year 6 children also offered reassurance to those year 2 children ahead of their transition day to Headfield on Tuesday!


I liked sharing the books with the children. They asked us lots of questions about Headfield.


I liked visiting Savile Town and talking about books with the children. 


July 2024 - Phonics workshop

Parents and carers were invited in to Headfield to work with Miss Allen to understand how we teach Phonics in school and ways they can support their children when reading at home. It was a really positive session and well attended by family members including mums, dads and older siblings. 

My daughter's reading is improving by learning Phonics.

Thank you for your support and help.

I really enjoyed the workshop because it equips me with the materials to help my child at home by making sure that I am correctly reading the words (e.g. graphemes and tricky words).


Reading with others

At Headfield, we are extremely fortunate to have a number of enthusiastic and helpful children from year 6 who are willing to support other children in the years 3 and 4 with their reading journey. Children are invited to spend some of their lunchtimes each week to listen to other children read their books as well as helping Mrs Costello in the Library with book recommendations. These children are our Reading Heroes.


Fixing Fluency

Year 5 staff and children have been extremely fortunate to participate in an EEF (Education Endowment Foundation) Research School project overseen by the Great Heights Trust (English Hub). Staff piloted this 6-week daily programme with each of our five year 5 classes. It helped increase staff confidence, knowledge and understanding of some of the pedagogies that support fluency within the classroom and the evidence for impact on pupils plus their reading and motivation to read.

Since undertaking this EEF project, Miss Allen and the year 5 staff have supported colleagues to devise and deliver similar age-appropriate 6-week programmes for years 3, 4 and 6.

By the end of the six weeks, the children had increased confidence and enthusiasm to perform for peers, self-corrected with greater accuracy and gave clear feedback to peers and staff for how they could become even better. 

I liked it best when we could tell the teacher how to be a better reader!

The children enjoyed the activities and the structure of the sessions. Everyone looked forward to this part of the day.