Headfield CE Junior School

Music at Headfield



We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about Music at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with Music please contact our subject leader Mr Parsons.
At Headfield we deliver the prescribed National Curriculum for Music using the Model Music Curriculum as our guide to ensure our planning and provision is of the highest quality. Our planning has been created especially for our school, its children and our community.

Music Policy 

Our Music Policy shares our Music curriculum in detail, including year group learning and knowledge and skills development through school.


Performances in class

In class, children perform every half term, performing songs they have learnt to other classes and their own compositions. This could be soli, solo, as part of a group or as a whole class.

Class assemblies

Once a year, each class will perform a class assembly to the whole school and parents. In their assembly, children regularly either sing a song or dance to some music relevant to their topic. 


The Christmas performance is given each year by Year 3, in which they tell the Christian story of Jesus' birth through drama and song to the whole school and parents.

Singing in the Community


Children have had the chance to sing at a local supermarket at Christmas and performed nasheeds at Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha.

Young Voices

This year, we are blessed to have Mrs Mahmood leading the Y3/4 Choir Club with Mrs Thorpe leading Y5/6 Choir Club. It's been great to see so many new faces joining these clubs.

Children attending those clubs have the opportunity to participate in a Young Voices concert  singing as part of a 3000-strong choir inside the packed Sheffield Arena, watching celebrities performing on stage too.


The Easter performance is given each year by Year 4, in which they tell the Christian story of Jesus' death and resurrection through drama and song to the whole school and parents.

Eid al-Fitr

The Eid al-Fitr performance is given by Year 5 each year at the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Children perform nazms and songs to the whole school and parents.

Year 6 Performance

Year 6 perform a piece of classic literature as an end of year performance. They perform a lengthy piece of drama with songs and music to the whole school and parents.

Mayor's Inauguration

Our choir has also performed at the inauguration of the Kirklees Mayor alongside our friends from a local infant school.



Singing Club - Years 3/4

Singing Club - Years 5/6

Recorder Club - Year 3/4

Ukulele Club - Year 5/6