We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about Maths at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with Maths please contact our subject leader Mrs March in Year 5.
Maths Vision Statement
We envisage that all pupils at Headfield are successful in thinking mathematically for themselves by making connections, discussing their ideas confidently with others and appreciating the power and beauty of mathematics.
Thinking to
Mathematical Intent
Mathematics is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice and application over time. At each stage of learning, children should be able to demonstrate a deep conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time.
We intend to do this by:
- Ensuring our children have access to a high quality mathematical curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable.
- Providing our children with a variety of mathematical opportunities, which will enable them to make the connections in learning needed to enjoy greater depth learning.
- Ensuring children are confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks.
- Enabling children to be independent learners with inquisitive minds who have secure mathematical foundations and an interest in self-improvement.
Mathematical Implementation
Implementation of Mathematics at Headfield will be as follows:
- Maths lessons are based on the Teaching for Mastery 5 Big Ideas.
- White Rose Maths teaching resources are used throughout school enabling a consistent approach in all lessons and adhering to the Teaching for Mastery vision of 'Challenge and opportunity to deepen understanding of the key mathematical ideas for all children'.
- Maths lessons are taught on a daily basis (5 lessons per week)
All teachers:
- Know where their children are through the use of concise summative assessment, prior learning, maths talk
- Understand where their children need to be through a secure understanding of year group expectations and previous/next year group expectations to gain the full picture of mathematical journeys
- Know how they are going to get them ‘there’ using a range of strategies to promote independence, mastery and high expectations of ALL.
- Plan for progression during and between lessons.
Overview of teaching sequences in each year group
For more detail on our Maths curriculum, please click on the following policy documents:
Maths Calculations Policy Addition & Subtraction
Maths Calculation Policy Multiplication & Division
Maths Calculation Policy Fractions
These videos show you the way we teach addition, subtraction and multiplication here at Headfield:
Research shows that children who are given the opportunities to practise skills taught in school whilst at home enables them to become more confident mathematicians. Links to real life situations deepens their understanding and ability to apply their knowledge and understanding.
Below are a number of websites that children can access to practise their maths skills at home.