Headfield CE Junior School

A huge hello and warm welcome to all in L5! We hope you and your family and friends, enjoy looking at what we have been learning in Year 5.

L5 is taught by Miss Allen and supported by the wonderful Mrs Hadley and Mrs Webster.


A few reminders...

Please make sure your child has their indoor PE kit for Wednesday and outdoor PE kit for Thursday morning (Mrs Thorpe).

Please remember Library is every Tuesday.

Homework is handed out on Wednesday and collected on Monday. Don’t forget Mr Lee leads a homework club on a Monday lunchtime and Miss Spratley leads a homework club on a Thursday lunchtime.

Reading Club is on a Tuesday lunchtime with Miss Allen.




Every fortnight, Year 5 hold their Celebration Assembly to acknowledge the delightful efforts being made by individuals. Parents/carers will be invited and work will be shared.

So far, some our recipients have been:

Literacy: Abdullah, Safa, Rizwaanah, Razina, Taaha, Isobel, Aminah, Abdullah, Nida, Talha

Maths: Muhammad, Mohsin, Rehan, Aleena, Abdul, Aadil, Rizwaanah, Tadi, Amar, Aminah, Aleena

Class: Jumaimah, Arwha, Zainab, Ramlah, Amaan, Ibraaheem, Umer, Aribah, Isobel, Muhammad

Reader: Ibraaheem, Umaimah, Talha, Jumaimah, Zara, Luqman, Aleena, Muhammad, Sohail

Well done to all of our stars...come back soon to find out who else has received awards!



Amar and Jumaimah have been selected as L5’s representatives. Every Wednesday, School Council meet with Mrs Gallagher to discuss a number of topics. Our councillors report to their peers with important news and upcoming events, such as Children in Need (Friday 17th November).


Autumn 1

Year 5 have enjoyed learning about Stargazers (Space and the Solar System).

The children worked collaboratively to create a spaceship which became part of the year 5 display on the Atrium steps. A big thank you to Mrs Hadley for working with the children and creating the masterpiece. We hope you have time to read the marvellous work all year 5 classes have contributed.


L5 landed with a crash, bump and a thud as they started this topic. The first writing concentrated on children designing their alien.


‘The flames died down and the smoke began to clear. There was a hiss of escaping gas as a hatchway door opened.’


Please click here to view examples of the children's aliens and descriptive writing as well as other memorable learning during this topic.




During October, Headfield celebrated ‘Black History Month’, L5 have been learning about a number of people who changed history. Some of these people included: Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama and Mary ‘Mother’ Seacole. During assemblies children listened carefully to these peoples’ stories and experiences and how their actions have led to the way we live our lives today.

Year 5 have been finding out about Nelson Mandela. After some discussions, role play, newspaper articles and video clips the children imagined they were Nelson. Please click here to view examples of their diary entries.



Autumn 2

Flee your fields, close your doors and pull up the drawbridge: the dreaded and deathly ‘Great Pestilence’ is here! Mount your steed and gallop through the dark and deadly world of 14th century Britain, sword and shield at the ready, pledging your allegiance to king and country!

We had brilliant fun bursting buboes, creating dances with Miss Lucie, writing historical accounts, poems and discovering the grotesque effects of bugs and bacteria on the human body!




Spring 1  - Time Traveller

Tick, tock, tick, tock, the hands of the clock never stop.

The children started the new year with a challenge! On the first day they had to guess which baby photo belonged to the school adults, some were a little easier than others! Many children brought in photos of themselves so we repeated this activity and it was a lot trickier than we had originally anticipated.

Children learned about changes to our bodies and brains as we grow older and ways to help cope with these changes. We learned about gestation periods for mammals and plotted these on graphs as well as taking photos of ourselves then used apps to create images of how we may look in our later lives.

Our class text has been ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’ (Philippa Pearce). As part of this work the children created missing posters, poems, character descriptions and adventure narratives.


L5 have been announced as the Year 5 winners for Attendance, Behaviour and Punctuality for a second term! We are excited to return to Pizza Express for another morning to make pizzas!





During our last Celebration Assembly, Mr Lee announced L5 were the winners for Reading at Home comments - for a second time! The children will be able to come to school wearing non-uniform. The children not only read during the school day, Library and some attend a Reading Club, many children practise at home.



Thank you to those families who were able to attend our Reading Workshop (January 2018).

There were a variety of activities including a session in the Library with Mrs Costello, reading games, Sketch to Stretch, comprehension questions using leaflets, iPads for SPaG.com and much more!

It was great to see so many adults in school.

                              ‘ It was great to be able to see how the children learn reading in school.'

                              ‘Thank you for inviting us in to work with the children in their classroom.’


Safer Internet Day - 6th February 2018

Headfield won the Digital School of the Year 2018 and as part of this prestigious award all year 5 classes received a workshop from ParentZone. It was useful for the children to expand their understanding of the social world around them and ways to stay safe when working and possibly gaming online.


Spring 2 - Alchemy Island

It's time to suspend your disbelief and open your mind. We're going on a magical journey to Alchemy Island!

We have an action-packed launch day planned for the start of term.

What is Alchemy?

We will upload some of our work soon. 



This year children and staff were invited in to school wearing nightwear. There were pyjamas, dressing gowns, onesies, snazzy slippers as well as bringing cuddly toys! Children enjoyed reading stories to one another, adults and their cuddly companions.

Thank you to those families who were able to come in to school and listen to their children read!



Six word stories

Mrs Ismail set the children a tricky challenge of writing a six word story. As a class we shared these examples:

For sale: baby clothes, never worn.

 "Rapunzel! I am slipping! A wig?!"

Artificial limb, bungee jump - bad idea.

All children discussed and recorded their own ideas. Here are some of these:

He never gave up, but failed.

New clothes: new shoes: gone away.

Angry fire-breathing dragon, nearby villagers concerned.


Polar Explorer Day - 12th March

We are planning a fun-filled day for the children with lots of investigations to be completed.

Please come back soon to see some of our learning! 


Thank you for taking the time to look at our work.


Come back soon as we continue to showcase some of our work with you!





Have a look at different learning activities that you could try at home!

Click on the images to take you to these websites: