Headfield CE Junior School


We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about Computing at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with Computing, please contact our subject leader Miss Smith in Year 4.


It is essential that children in the 21st century have a wide and far reaching knowledge about information technology  and the way it can enhance learning and communication. At Headfield Junior School, each year group has access to a class set of wireless laptops and iPads. The aim is to bring computing into the classroom and improve teaching and  learning across all subjects. 

We teach lessons from the 'Teach Computing' Curriculum which is created by subject experts, using the latest pedagogical research and teacher feedback. It is taught across all year groups and children learn knowledge and a range of skills. These skills are built on year each year as children complete projects, often linked to their half-termly topic. Children in all years learn about eSafety, how to code and debug programs, presenting information, the internet and it's uses, as well as having the opportunity to explore a variety of software and apps. 

Computing Policy

Online Safety Policy

Computing Overview

The main projects in each year group are:

Half Term

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Autumn 1

My Online Life

My Online Life

My Online Life


My First Phone


Autumn 2

 Keyboard Adventures then connecting computers

The Internet

Sharing Information



Spring 1


Desktop Publishing


Photo Editing

 Flat-file Databases


Spring 2




Audio Editing

Video Editing


Summer 1

Branching Databases

Repetition in Shapes/ Hour of Code


Vector Drawing



Summer 2

Events and Actions

Coding/ Crumbles

Selection in Quizzes

 Variables in Games


Please click on the link below for a more detailed summary of each topic:

Y3-Y6 Unit Overview


You may also find it helpful to look at our Progression document. This document helps to demonstrate a clear progression of skills/knowledge. The curriculum has been broken down into the three main strands of Information Technology, Computer Science and Digital Literacy. 

 Computing Progression Document Year 3- Year 6

Meet Our New E-Safety Ambassadors!

As part of Safer Internet Day we held a competition for children to design internet safety posters. There were so many wonderful posters which made it very difficult to choose! These children are now our new E-Safety ambassadors and will help create resources for around school and lead assemblies all about E-Safety. Congratulations to the lucky winners! 

Game On!

During an assembly our children enjoyed a game of 'Game On.' The focus was gaming online and how to stay safe. Our new E-Safety Ambassadors did a marvellous job of sharing some top tips and advice of what to do if problems occur whilst gaming online. 

 Google's 'Find Your Balance' Competition

Children were given the opportunity to design a poster for the 'Find Your Balance: A day in your digital life, art competition,' in partnership with Google. It was to encourage children to talk about how they use digital technologies as part of daily life and how families find the right balance for them between their online and offline activities. We were delighted that two children from Headfield were winners of the competition and had the opportunity to visit The Houses of Parliament in London as their prize. Their work was also displayed there for everyone to see. What an amazing achievement!


Computing work from across school

It is wonderful when children show enthusiasm for their learning and conduct        further research and enquiry at home using the internet safely. Look at this fabulous presentation linked to the Blue Abyss topic. Her depth of knowledge on penguins and sea life is admirable! Maybe she's the next David Attenborough of the future! 

Computing work

Examples of computing work from across all year groups.

Touch Typing

Would you like to be able to type at speed? Why not follow the link below to practice at home what you have been learning in lessons and play the dance mats game from the BBC Bitesize website?

Dance Mats Touch Typing Games


    Level 1                  Level 2                       Level 3                   Level 4


Parent/ Carer Advice 

 London Grid For Learning offers a wealth of information for parents and cares around online safety. This link takes you to the website where you can easily search for areas of concern for your family. The screenshot under the website link shows you can change the audience to 'Parents' and the Key Stage to 'Key Stage 2' to match the age of our children here at Headfield. You can adjust the audience for younger and older as you require.



Don't forget to see our weekly online safety feature in our newsletters to support parents. Click here to go to our newsletters page.