Headfield CE Junior School


We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about History at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with History please contact our subject leader Miss Spratley in Year 6.


History is a version of what happened in the past and why. It involves children studying people in different societies, cultures and countries and evaluating facts to try to understand events, attitudes and values.

''I am Warrior' Year 4 topic enriched by Roman reenactments'

At Headfield, we help pupils to develop critical thinking and interpretation skills to look at how the past is represented and interpreted in different ways. Children learn the facts but are also taught the skills of the historian: investigation and research, careful analysis of fact, opinion versus fact and the use of first and secondary sources.

Our main aim is that all our pupils develop a curiosity and empathy about the past, which informs understanding of the present.

'A visit to the canal basin during our local history topic and reading the gate's verse'


History Policy 

Our History Policy shares our History curriculum in detail, including year group learning and knowledge and skills development through school.


History is a statutory subject within the National Curriculum. The Primary National Curriculum History programme of study develops children’s understanding of British, local and world history by combining overview and depth studies.

At Headfield, History is taught in a creative way through the Cornerstones Curriculum. 

We use a variety of teaching and learning styles, combining whole-class teaching methods with research activities. Wherever possible we link the development of historical understanding with other subjects, such as literacy, geography, citizenship, drama, dance, music, art and ICT.

We offer pupils the opportunity to use a range of artefacts, a variety of reference and fiction books, and a range of historical sources, photos, film and ICT to enhance their learning.

'Learning about Dewsbury Town Hall's past during our whole school local history event'

Enrichment within our History curriculum

History teaching is enhanced in a variety of ways at Headfield including. Visits and extra activities are used to extend pupil understanding and develop enquiring minds:

  • Visits to museums and heritage sites to gain first-hand experiences.
  • Visitors e.g. Roman re-enactors
  • Parental workshops e.g. making Ancient Egyptian masks

'Being mummified on a trip to Bagshaw Museum as part of Year 5's Pharaohs topic'


Please click on the links below for children to learn and fun with history.



British History


Skara Brae http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/learning/primary/skarabrae/flash/index.shtml

Roman Britain https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zqtf34j
Anglo-Saxons https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zxsbcdm
The Vikings https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/ztyr9j6



WWII https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/ztvckqt/resources/1
Ancient Civilisations
Ancient Egypt https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zg87xnb/resources/1
Ancient Greeks https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/z87tn39
Ancient Mayans https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zq6svcw/resources/1
Early Islamic Civilisation https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/z3tg4wx/resources/1