Headfield CE Junior School


We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about English at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with English, please contact our subject leader Miss Allen in Year 6.

Literacy Policy


Why we teach English at Headfield Junior School

At Headfield, we promote the highest standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a secure understanding and strong command of the spoken and written word and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. Our curriculum is rich in opportunities to develop reading, writing and speaking and listening skills and these areas are at the heart of all we do. 


How does studying English help children to achieve?

English is a subject in its own right and underpins the whole curriculum. Fluency in the English language is a fundamental foundation for success in all subjects and life as it gives pupils the key to effective learning. Language skills are essential to participating fully as a valued and valuable member of society.


How we teach English

English is an all-encompassing and essential component of everything we teach at Headfield. The elements of reading, writing and speaking and listening are intrinsically linked in a rich and varied English curriculum. Staff have worked hard to develop planning sequences to immerse children in the chosen text, following the pattern of reading, discussion, analysis and writing. Through channelling the author’s skill and talent, pupils develop a love of reading and writing, as they develop strong literacy skills. 





Speaking and Listening

We recognise the importance of oral language as a communicative process, with speaking and listening receiving prominence in the English curriculum, alongside reading and writing. Speaking and listening in the classroom serve both social and educational purposes. That is, speaking and listening is central to self-expression and communicating with others, as well as acting as a cognitive tool for learning. Children at Headfield have opportunities to develop their thinking and solve problems through collaborative talk; deepen understanding of texts and situations through drama; and take part in presentations and scripted performances. 

Please click on the links for each year group's spoken language overview:

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Additional Interventions in English

At times through each child's educational journey, teachers offer additional support to children of all ability levels to allow them to work in small groups or on a 1 to 1 basis to have focused learning time to embed particular skills, which may be gaps in learning or an opportunity to push children to reach their highest potential. These are a selection of English based interventions we offer:

  • SULP - Social Use of Language Programme where children learn about language associated with different contexts.
  • Small group reading comprehension often focusing on a particular skill such as inference or vocabulary development
  • 1-1 reading support
  • SALT - Speech and Language Therapy specifically designed by speech and language specialists to develop children's understanding of common words in the English language and support with pronunciation.
  • Rapid Catch Up Phonics
  • Storylinks


Dewsbury Learning Pyramid

Headfield facilitates the Literacy DLP (Dewsbury Learning Pyramid) meetings. Literacy leaders from schools across Dewsbury meet regularly at Headfield to share good practise, further strengthen links with colleagues and seek support/ideas to develop areas of their Literacy curriculum in their settings. The meetings provide an opportunity for staff to engage in positive and professional discussions to discuss all components of Literacy from curriculum to staff CPD.

Deputy Head/Year 2 teacher:

Everyone joins in the conversations and shares their experiences, which we all find helpful. We talk about all parts of the Literacy curriculum and share ideas/offer suggestions/ask questions.

Assistant Head/Y6 teacher:

The meetings are a brilliant opportunity to talk with colleagues in other schools and realise we are not alone. 

Year 6 teacher:

The writing moderation meetings allow us to talk about the writing and unpick the meaning of expectations. 

Assistant Team Leader of English:

As a Secondary school teacher, it's been great to have the chance to see the level of writing being completed by our future Y7 cohort.