Art at Headfield
'Every child is an artist.' Picasso
'The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.' Vincent Van Gogh
We hope this page offers you a wealth of information about Art at Headfield. If you require any further information or support with Art, please contact our subject leader Mrs Jowett in Year 6.
At Headfield Junior School our art curriculum is designed to provide enriched opportunities for children to express and explore their individual creativity. It provides each child with a valuable opportunity to develop a sense of belonging. At Headfield we believe that every child has the right to a broad and balanced curriculum enriched with opportunities to explore a project-based, themed approach. Our curriculum allows each child to invent, experiment and problem solve through many aspects of art and design. Children are introduced to a range of work and artistic styles by famous artists with the opportunity to experiment with these methods and techniques ultimately using them to develop their own artistic style.
An overview of Art at Headfield
Practical knowledge
At Headfield children are enriched with many opportunities to develop their individual artistic style. They develop practical knowledge of how art is designed and created. Children learn and develop many different skills, methods and techniques which gives them the best opportunities to develop technical proficiency.
Theoretical knowledge
Our art curriculum provides children with opportunities to appreciate and learn about great artists and craft makers. They learn about the development of art over time and different cultural developments. Children consider artists thoughts and intentions evaluating how it effects their feelings and what thoughts it provokes both individually and collaboratively.
To see an overview of the art curriculum at Headfield, please click the link below:
Progression at Headfield
Headfield's Art Showcase
Art at home
Have a look at different arts and crafts ideas that you could try at home!
Click on the image below to take you to an interesting website.